Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Cyber Laws cannot be disconnected and digital content requires protection. That is where we step in to assist You to secure your digital content through proper IPR registration.
‘Cyberspace’ is the non-physical domain over which the communication between computers takes place through computer networks. With the growth of technology every individual has a right of accessing cyberspace and sharing information, unless they are in conflict with cyber law.
In cyberspace, sometimes information is shared by a person, who is not the owner of the same, or the information which is private. Hence, privacy is violated, and one makes profit on another person’s creation. Such rights are protected under intellectual property rights. The types of IPR are:
Patent, Copyright, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Industrial and Layout Designs, Geographical Indications etc. When these rights are violated in cyberspace there are several remedies available for the various types of violation
These types are mentioned below:
1.Copyright Infringement:
Copyright protection is given to the owner of any published artistic, literary, dramatic or scientific work over his work to exclude everyone else from using that work on his own name and thereby gain profit from it.
When these copyrighted articles are unauthorizedly used by anybody without the permission of the owner, this amounts to copyright infringement. When copies are made of commercial software which are distributed over the internet, and sold by a third person (other than owner), that amounts to be a copyright infringement. Copying website or blog content also amounts to a copyright violation.
2.Software Piracy:
It is also covered under sections of Indian Copyright Act. This is the illegal use of software by copying and distributing them among organizations, groups etc for business personal use.
This piracy can be of 3 types: Soft lifting, Software Counterfeiting, and Uploading-Downloading.
3.Cyber squatting and Trademark Infringement:
Trademarks are distinctive marks can be words, pictures, sound or shape which describes the nature and quality about a certain product to the user.
The lions roar of ‘Metro-Godwyn-Mayer’ or the word art of ‘Google’ are the trademarks for these respective companies, when these marks, whether registered or unregistered, are used are used by some other company on their product, that is called trademark infringement.
Cyber squatting is the process by which domain names are registered, sold,trafficked-in with the intention to make profit from the goodwill of someone else’s trademark in bad faith. Cyber squatting is a punishable offence.